Presentation Rauers Ernte at the roof garden

Surrounded by the lush greening vegetables, salads and herbs of the JR LIFE Rooftopfarming Garden on the 13th floor of the Science Tower Graz, the chairman of the Styrian Association of Vegetable Growers presented current new products from Rauers Ernte.

These included ready-to-eat picking salad with organic sprouts, organic salad dressings, germinated and flaked oil seeds and much more.

The Styrian Vegetable Farmers' Association is a partner of the Rooftopfarming project and grows Styrian delicacies such as horseradish, beetle beans, corn and tomatoes in its beds.

(c) JR LIFE/Marx, f.l.:

DI Ludwig Ehm, Green Tech Solutions

Obmann Fritz Rauer, Landesverband steir. Gemüsebauern

Mag. Gernot Deutsch, Heiltherme Bad Waltersdorf

Sebastian Rauer, Rauers Ernte