Smart City Rooftop Farming: Workshop on Planting Strategy 2020

For one year now, various fruits and vegetables have been growing on the roof of the Science Tower. This prompted LIFE Centre Director Dr. Franz Prettenthaler to invite partners and consumers of the Rooftop Farming project to the Science Tower to secure the experience they had gathered and to put forward ideas for next year.


Since May, LIFE employees and the partner restaurant Streets have had the opportunity to harvest and consume fresh fruit and vegetables from the roof of the Science Tower every day. Various harvest models have been tested and continuously expanded. Through the workshop on the planting strategy 2020, the personal experiences and suggestions of the consumers can now also be combined with the ideas and possibilities of the SCRF partners, so that in future interested parties outside LIFE can also get their fresh lunch directly from the roof.

(c) JOANNEUM RESEARCH/Renate Buchgraber

f.l.: LKR Fritz Rauer, Mag. Dr. Franz Prettenthaler, Bettina Tachetzy, Dipl. Päd. Ing. Reinhold Holler, DIin Martina Teller-Pichler, Heidemarie Gigl, Elias Moisl, Andrea Kainz